According to several reports throughout the world the top four fears are spiders, snakes, public speaking and heights.
In the event that YOU have a less common fear – such as ‘Deipnophobia’ which is the fear of dinner parties, dining and dinner conversation? Then you can simply organize a dinner party or if being the center of attention is your fear then take part in an improve class or attend an event where you have to stand up in front of a room full of people and face that fear.
Whatever the fear, we want you to face it, record it or take a photo then post it to social media with #faceyourfearyouthhaven and DONATE to Youth Haven (every little bit counts so don’t worry it you only have a few dollars to donate … amounts over $20 will receive a charitable tax receipt).
Don’t forget to nominate your friends to do the same and attach this link to donate https://youthhaven.ca/face-your-fear/